徐靜雨:「廢物 罪人 用戈貝爾完全是自私自利&私心作祟」


In the Western Conference Finals Game 3, the Timberwolves lost 107-116 to the Mavericks, falling behind 0-3 in the series.

Commenting on this, Xu Jingyu said: "Finnish garbage! Li Kaili played perfectly in the fourth quarter. Don't you see the solution to the team's problems? He continues to play Gobert, and the moment he plays Gobert, he becomes the culprit of the Timberwolves. Today they had a great chance to win, but the Mavericks suffered a sudden injury, and the result became 0-3. The team has completely fallen into the abyss. This lousy coach only cares about himself, he's afraid that the team won't win without Gobert, so he took the responsibility for being behind. He'd rather gamble and let Gobert win with him. It's all selfishness, he didn't consider the facts and the team's perspective at all."

"I want to say that the Timberwolves dominated the Suns in the first round because of their strength, not because Gobert was important. In the second round against the Nuggets, their victory in Game 2 was the most satisfying, and Gobert didn't even play in that game."

"Gobert is more suitable to come off the bench because coming off the bench emphasizes personal offense rather than team space. At the same time, defensively, the Mavericks usually have one star leading the team, so his defensive problems are not easily exposed. Once Gobert starts? Then he will lock down the team's most advantageous offensive resources and become the Mavericks' DPOY. Finnish is such a waste, too selfish and stubborn. It's the Timberwolves' own fault for losing. But Li Kaili is truly innocent, and I think Towns and Edwards are also innocent. Finnish didn't give them a good offensive environment."



誇梅布朗提到因為自己的職業生涯不如詹姆斯成功 他說事實反而被解讀為批評


克內克特砍下32分 卡斯爾添26分 布朗尼15分鐘僅得5分


勇士賽季末熱門話題回顧:4000三分記錄 上半區爭奪 史上最佳控衛之爭


首節球隊防守是否能提升緊迫感 穆雷表示我們在尋找答案


杜蘭特獻22分6籃板 布克助攻22次收獲13分 小薩復出交出三雙 太陽輕松戰勝國王


基德上場機會有限 獨行俠雙向球員出場次數即將耗盡


名記爆料火箭對布克情有獨鐘卻被太陽老板無情打臉 布克願意為太陽獻身到老




追夢談巴特勒的智慧與庫明加的天賦 我對他們的兼容性信心滿滿


利拉德居然認為東契奇是頂級球員 提醒大家註意防守這件小事

